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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Erie Car Show

Calling All Rodders,

It may be snowing and blowing outside but we can still have a car show in good ole Erie, PA.

This weekend the Bayfront Convention Center was the place to be if you are interested in cars.

Not only did you get to see and check out the new cars in the area in the comfort of the warm building, but this year they even had some of our favorites from the past on display.

Hot Rods, Muscle Cars, Sports Cars, Hybrids, 4x4 Trucks, Suv's, Concept Cars of the future, You name it seems it was there for your enjoyment. They did a great job in finding a way to beat the winter weather. The people in charge of this event did a great job keep up the good work. Spring is coming!!!

See ya the next car event.

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