Calling all Rodders,
As the holiday season is upon us, We would like to thank all our followers for your support through out the year. As 2010 comes to an end we are already planning for 2011 season.
We are also proud of the response we have had in helping local charities and your participating in the local events to make them a success. Without you the, cruisers there would be no show. Your willingness to give your time and donations to the many events in our area make this hobby a success and keeps the car restorations alive.
Many of you have already submitted car show schedules or drafts for the upcoming year. We are honored that you want list your event with us. We are ready to start filling next seasons schedules so send in your event information now and be some of the first events listed.
Cruise the Bay will continue next year, the schedule will be posted as soon as it is available. Remember there will be a Snowflake Dinner Cruise In, Feb 5, 2011 at the
Bel-Aire Hotel in Erie. We will be listing the details soon about this event.
Remember we have added a sponsor page for car related businesses to the website. If you would be interested in adding your business to the site contact us.
Again Thank You for your support and appreciation. Have a Happy and Safe Holiday and enjoy your ride. See ya in the spring.
Rex & Annette Diemer